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CoDAG - Covid-19 Data Analysis Group

CoDAG – Covid-19 Data Analysis Group


COVID-19 is a global challenge that Data Science and Statistics can play an important role in addressing. Data analysis of infection figures, sometimes at a small-scale level, is becoming increasingly important. Information on disease progression can be gleaned from data. Forecasts of resource needs can be derived from data. The available data is increasing daily and so is the potential to extract relevant information from it.

As part of the CoDAG research group, we conduct analyses together with colleagues from the Institute of Statistics at LMU, the Institute of Medical Information Processing Biometry and Epidemiology (IBE), and the Data Science Initiative at LMU. We consider it our social obligation to contribute supportively to the management of the Covid-19 pandemic with our scientific know-how and statistical expertise. Our research and statistical analyses are application and demand driven. Valid statistical models and robust forecasts are needed now. Our goal is to provide these tools so that healthcare and policy decision makers can make their decisions in a data-driven way.

Through our interactive dashboard, we provide graphs of COVID-19 virus spread at different levels of aggregation. We use plots of case counts for a region (e.g. country or state) with respect to the total population (population at risk) and provide maps and time series for case counts and deaths per 100,000 people in the population. In our view, these figures provide adequate information for assessing risk and comparing different regions.

Further information

Website of the CoDAG research group
Interactive dashboard of our corona analyses


Prof. Dr. Helmut Küchenhoff